Today we take a look at the times in which you shy away from saying what you really think, feel or want to do with your partner.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

When you're angry- You know it's not productive to scream the house down, however you are in no place to talk about it calmly and rationally so instead you internalise the rage. You resort to an inner monologue of what you wanted to blurt out but didn't have the guts to.

When you're sad- Sometimes it's difficult to verbalise how you're feeling so instead you swallow it down and don't tell your partner you're hurting inside. You fear that he may not understand or that he might trivialise your pain so instead you just keep it locked up.

When you want to try something new in the bedroom- If you're not sure how your partner will take the idea of a new sex toy, game or role play, you might just go with routine rather than mixing things up. You worry he might think differently of you depending on what your deepest darkest fantasy is so go with the flow rather than speaking up.

When you want your partner's opinion on how you look- When you buy a new outfit you might not ask him what he thinks and just come downstairs already in it because if you ask him and he tells you it looks awful, you have no alternative and will feel self-conscious all night.

When you want to ask him how he feels about you- Even long term couples are afraid that their partner might tell them they have fallen out of love with them or don't find them attractive anymore. So you would rather not ask the question in case it's something you really don't want to deal with.

When you're feeling insecure- You desperately want him to pick up on it and give you a compliment but chances are- he won't and if you force it he may come out with something insensitive so you leave it well alone.

When you want to tell him the truth but it might hurt him- He has asked for your honest opinion but you know the truth will dent his confidence so you opt for the sugar coated version or a white lie instead.

When he brings up a subject you're not ready for- Like kids or marriage and you're not in that place yet. You try not to dwell on your different time frames and say as little as possible in the hope that he will back off for a while longer before you break his heart and his plan.

When you disagree with his family- There are times when you don't agree with something they have said or done and rather than tell him that you aren't on the same page on this one, you back down because it's his family after all- not yours.

When he thinks he's done something 100% right- He's bought you a gift you hate, he's done a job but not to your standards, or he's arranged a night out that's really not your thing. He is smug with himself so rather than be a buzz kill you go along with it or say 'thanks' because you don't want to tell him that he's way off when he's put in a load of effort.

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