14th of February marks a day of anxiety for those who suffer from relationship related phobias and for some, these phobias create a whole host of issues around Valentine’s Day. However, according to Phobia Guru and Harley Street hypnotherapist, Adam Cox, phobias could be affecting your relationships year round. Adam reveals the top five phobias which affect relationships.
Aphenphosmphobia – The fear of intimacy. Fear of being touched and love. The person suffering from this phobia dreads contact, emotional bonds, and potentially even love.
Mysophobia – The fear of germs. It is also rightly termed as Germophobia or Bacterophobia. People with Mysophobia are often seen washing their hands after touching anything beyond themselves, or obsessively washing food, cleaning surfaces etc. The sufferer might avoid public restrooms, transport, animals, and other social situations. In fact, they might avoid leaving their home all together.
Androphobia & Gynophobia – The fear of men and women. Usually seen in younger females, but it can also affect adults. This may occur if you have unresolved mother issues.
Philophobia – The fear of love, which causes sufferers to be frightened of falling in love or developing emotional attachments. Suffers can often chase love and get into a succession of relationships without ever really committing or opening up.
Monophobia– The fear of being alone. A person suffering from Monophobia will have very poor self-confidence and will lack belief that they can do anything on their own. They tend to be nervous and fearful of a variety of things. This will make them very co-dependent on the people around them. This means that many people suffering from this phobia can end up in abusive relationships as they would rather be with someone mistreating them than be alone.
Adam Cox explained “Phobias are an unconscious reaction to a stimulus, not a choice. People don’t choose to be frightened of love, intimacy, rejection or germs. The impact of these fears and phobias can mean people avoid flirting, dating, kissing and even sex and relationships. The good news is that no matter how severe the phobia is, psychological tools such as hypnotherapy and NLP can reverse a phobia in just one or two sessions”.
Adam continued. “As a hypnotherapist based in Harley Street, many people aren’t able to afford my services. To make my services accessible to as many people as possible I’m currently offering a free audio download (http://www.phobiaguru.com/valentines.html) that will give people tips and resources to make immediate progress and improvement on their fears or phobias when it comes to romance and relationships”.
All phobias can be crippling but with help of a professional, they can be overcome and conquered.
tagged in relationships Valentine's Day