You’re a couple, you’re half a whole so you will go through all your key experiences together. The trouble is, you forget little details and you don’t know what it’s like from each other’s point of view. That’s why it’s important to keep telling each other stories- so the most important moments in your relationship never get forgotten. You can tell other people or you can keep them to yourselves, just keep them alive with your stories, especially today on National Tell A Story Day.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The story of how you met-  This could have been years back but it’s good to recall how you made each other feel in that moment and share any inkling you had that you would be together forever.

The story of your first date- Even if it went horribly- the important thing is you can look back on it now and laugh because it didn't stop you from being together.

The story of your first kiss- Remember the excitement of the first time you touched lips and remind yourself of how lucky you are to be able to do it any time you want now.

The story of your first time- This might have been a resounding success or there may have been a little fumbling around first- but you know now that you had to get through it to be so in harmony with each other physically now.

The story of ‘I love you’- Did it come out right or did you make a mess of it? Did you say it at the same time or did you fall for each other at different times?

The story of when you met each other’s parents- The eagerness to make a good first impression, the misunderstandings, the little white lies to score brownie points, the blushes. How you’ve all grown into one big family now.

The story of when you first moved into together- The sleeping in the same bed all the time, the disagreements over décor, the negotiating of bathroom habits, the sex in every room. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how far you’ve come since those early days.  

The story of your first argument- And how awful it felt to be so unkind to each other over something that when you look back now- wasn’t worth it.  

The story of your engagement- That further step to committing to each other. They day you both agreed to do all the big, adult stuff together from then on.

The story of your wedding day- The nerves (the good kind), the seeing each other after what might have bene your first night apart, the promises you made to each other in front of all those you love. 

Take care of all these stories as you are the only ones who know how to tell them right. 

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