Writing love letters may seem a bit out dated – it's what they did before they had Facebook, right? However, it doesn't have to be. Love letters are still a magnificent way of showing love and appreciation. Since the letter takes time and reflection on your deepest feelings, it can always make your partner feel good.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

If you are not sure how to write this letter, take a look at these steps:

1. Start by letting him know what it's about

Don't beat around the bush – just start the letter by writing something like ' I've been thinking about our life together and I can't believe how lucky we are… '. This will instantly let him know what to prepare for. He'll know that it's a love letter and it will set the mood for what comes next.

2. Recall a memory

After you state what is the meaning of your letter, you can move on to reflect on a memory. It can be the memory of the night you met, your wedding day, or any other important date for you. It can even be something simple and seemingly meaningless. Reflecting on a dear memory is one of the best ways to let him know how much you love him and how wonderful your time together has been.

3. Tell him what you love about him

'Remember to clearly state what you love about your husband. But don't focus only on physical, tell him about small things about his personality that you like. You can also let him know that he has some flows but that you love them too – there is no better confession of love than that. ' says Maria Upton, a writer at UK Writings.

4. Make sure that it's accurate

No letter will look good with grammatical and spelling mistakes. They will stick out and probably bother your loved one while he's reading. That's why you should consider using some tools to help you eliminate these mistakes.

  • Via Writing and Simplegrad are useful grammar resources that can help you weed out and grammar mistakes.
  • OXEssays and Academized are editing tools that can help you remove some of the repetitiveness and redundancies that often occur. It was recommended in Academized review.
  • StateOfWriting and AcademAdvisor are writing guides that can give you some tips on style and flow of your letter.
  • Boomessays and Essayroo are online proofreading tools praised by UK Top Writers. They can help you with checking your letter.
  • My Writing Way and Studydemic are writing communities that you can use to find helpful advice on writing a love letter.

5. Be a little funny

There is no harm in making your husband laugh a bit. Include a funny memory or something that either of you said years ago. This could freshen it up a little bit and add a personal touch to the letter. You can add funny moments and bits throughout the letter just so that it doesn't get too repetitive and overwhelming.

6. Add a pressed flower or your scent to it

Another good way to add a personal touch to any letter is to spray some of your scent on the paper or add a flower in the envelope. This can make him remember something from the past and improve the ambient even further.

7. Finish with a meaningful impact statement

Once you are done with the body of the letter, remember to include an impactful sentence at the end. It can reiterate why you love him, it can be a quote, it can be something you said years ago or it can express your hopes of great future – write whatever holds the most meaning to you as a couple.

8. Choose nice stationery for your letter

Regular paper will just not be right for writing a love letter. Pick a nice paper and a good pen, buy a pretty envelope – all of this will improve your love letter and it will make him feel loved.

9. Make sure your handwriting is easy to read

It's best that you first create a draft since thoughts can come so fast that you'll write in a way that's hard to read. Then you can rewrite it slowly and maybe incorporate some calligraphy in your letter.

Over To You

Maybe you still believe that writing letters is in the past but it can also be a nice tradition for the future. If you follow these tips and write a love letter for your husband, you'll probably receive the same in the matter of days and you'll both feel more in love than ever.