www.vouchercodespro.co.uk has found that half of couples argue while they are doing their weekly shop, so we find the routes of these tiffs when it comes to trolley pushing!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Putting unnecessary additional items into the trolley/basket – All couples have to work to some kind of budget and going shopping on an empty stomach and lobbing a load of expensive junk food in the trolley can be irritating. The bill shoots up and usually it’s on stuff that won’t make you full anyway.

If one of us is dawdling and taking too long – There is always the indecisive one who can’t choose between the brands, which is the cheapest or the value pack because you 'don’t know when you might need it'. The other is generally the one who makes snap decisions and just gets what is needed regardless of any of the above. The basis of a lot of disagreements between couples!

Eating products not yet paid for when walking around the supermarket– There are two types of people- those who think this is acceptable- well you will be paying for it anyway- or those who think it’s embarrassing and bordering on theft. If you have this combination in a couple then let the fighting commence!

Disagreements about what meals to have/buy – You like variety and a bit of what you fancy when you get in from work. Which means that you don’t plan your meals or make lists of things you need for those meals. You both want different things on shopping night and suddenly your evening meal is the basis of your next fall out.

Wanting to purchase a different brand than usual – Using the same brand can be like a comfort blanket- you know what you are going to get with it, you know that your money won’t be wasted, you know how much its costs. Swapping to something new can be fraught with anxiety for those who are married to brands- for someone who is flaky when it comes to your Coke vs your Pepsi, it’s hard for them to understand the emotional detachment you have to a new product.

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