The number of people seeking to embark on extra-marital relationships rises significantly during the winter months and peaks the day after the majority of the British public goes back to work.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First believe that the reason a number of people resort to their site at this time is due to marriages often being stretched to breaking point over the festive period and thousands of unhappily married people look for a new partner.

Another key factor they believe is affecting people seeking to embark on extra-marital relationships is Seasonal Affective Disorder. Research has shown that 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from S.A.D.

During the winter months, symptoms including lack of energy, withdrawal from friends, family and social activities, decreased sexual interest in their partner can all lead to depression and lack of pleasure.

People suffering from this might seek an extra-marital affair as a way to counter-act the effects of S.A.D.

Spokesperson for Rosie Freeman-Jones says, “Christmas and New Year are times when couples spend an intensive period of time with each other and their families. This can be quite claustrophobic and sometimes leads to a 'cabin fever' situation where both parties feel irritated with each other and underlying problems are exasperated.

“The 7th of January is typically one of the first days back to work and back to freedom - and spouses take this opportunity to explore all the things they couldn't under the watchful eye of their partner. That means lots of Facebook flirting, lots of office fun and games, and record signs ups to Illicit Encounters.”

When people are having, or pursuing an affair, they take greater pains to appear attractive, to take care of their bodies and consequently are healthier.

They are having sex more, getting more exercise, and physiologically behaving in ways contrary to the lethargy and inactivity associated with most depression. see on average 25 per cent higher levels of activity during the winter months compared with the rest of the year.

There are not just psychological benefits in having more sex. Women may be getting something else that can help fight depression, semen.

Research conducted by Gallup and Burch reveals that men have a secret chemical weapon. Semen is shown to contain high levels of psychoactive hormones and substances such as testosterone (which can increase a woman’s libido), as well as other neurochemicals such as; norepinephrine, vasopressin, oxytocin, melatonin, epinephrine and other opioids. All of which have a detectable impact upon mood.

Neurochemically, the brain reacts to a new sexual relationship with a tremendous flood of powerful substances that affect mood and energy.

Across many different physiological and psychological dimensions, a woman beginning a new relationship experiences an increase in feelings of pleasure, excitement, energy, and interest in life and her new lover. spokesperson Rosie Freeman-Jones said, “It is highly probable that men and women are signing up and engaging in extramarital relationships as a result of seasonal affective disorder caused by the onset of longer nights, in an unconscious attempt to overcome those feelings, using one of the most powerful biological weapons available to them, Sex!”

Based on previous years, is expected to see a sharp rise in the number of members joining the site. It is expected that there will be over three quarters of a million active members, approximately 6 per cent of the UK's married population registered on the website by the middle of this month.