It’s National Sleep Week so we take a look at the most annoying sleeping habits when you lie next to one of the man folk!

What is yours?

What is yours?

Snoring- It has to be at the top- men are experts at this while they sleep, no matter how much you poke, prod, bump or hit them- they may turn over but the act starts up again after a brief intermission. Just enough time for you to relax and start drifting off again- then he chooses to disturb the peace once more.

Stealing the bed covers- Women are guilty of this too- but men do it with so much more gusto. They are strong and generally heavier than you- so if they manage to steal them- the only way you are getting them back is by yanking on his testicles really hard.

Cuddling- Now there may be some ladies in life who like to be cuddled all night- me- I like the space- just like Ross in Friends. But when you are the woman- the ‘hug and roll’ is not the easiest of tasks to undertake as you are the one being pinned down. Then cramp or pins and needles set in with no way of getting up to walk around to get rid of it.

Talking- There are women out there who have to cope with this on a nightly basis- for the lucky few- it only comes around once in a blue moon- but it's still creepy when it happens.  

Cold feet- For those of you who live with a popsicle- who no matter what you do- put the fire on- make him wear slippers- bed socks- or cover his feat in a 15 tog duvet-he still has a bottom half that Dracula would be jealous of. He insists on coming to bed an hour after you and putting his icy cold Hobbit feet right on your nicely warmed legs.

Breathing in your ear- Now I am never going to begrudge someone of a basic need to live- but right in your ear- not acceptable. Even though you specifically state that cuddling is off the cards- they somehow manage to move their head right next to yours and do a deep breathing- almost a snore -but not- right in your ear canal. When it’s a cold night, the last thing you want is a mini fan blowing at the side of your face.

The leg hook- So they get that you are not an affectionate sleeper- but somehow think it’s acceptable to hook their leg around yours in a bid to have some sort of contact through the night. Again your leg ceases up from the weight and you are rudely awoken by pain shooting up and down your body that makes your hop around your room screaming. Plus side- you wake him up too.

Farting- I know you have no control of this on your sleep- but it’s still gross when it happens, for your guy doesn't try to hold it in or try to mask the smell or the sound it makes. It just comes out- a trumpet in the night to disturb your slumber and then makes you gag- worst-way-to-be-woken-up-ever.

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