A handbag is a very personal item- but it is also something that can get out of control if you don’t keep on top of it. This results in you lugging around more weight than you need to which puts strain on your shoulders and your back. Here are seven things you might have lurking in your handbag that you can get rid of today.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Receipts: These might be in your purse or casually strewn in your bag- either way- gather them altogether and make sure there isn’t one you need in there before sending them to shredder.

Old make up: If you have an ancient lipstick in there or a balm that is long past its best- it’s time to get rid of these little germ breeders.

Duplicates: It’s bad enough that you might carry around one of every item you probably will never need but two? I’m thinking- things like pens, perfume, mini notepads, packets of tissues, hair ties and clips- stuff like that- replace it only when you run out or carry around just a small number instead of a bulk pack.

Business cards: If you have a habit of simply throwing business cards in your bag as people give them to you- now is the time to enter the info into your phone and to get rid of the physical card.

Coupons and leaflets: Perhaps you were given a coupon at the end of a shop and just shoved it in your bag or maybe you were handed a leaflet in the street- wherever this piece of paper has come from – if you have no intention of using it- it needs to go.

Excess keyrings: If your bunch of keys is taking up most of the room in your bag- they are trying to tell you something- that they need paring down. Why are you carrying around all that excess metal? Your back will thank you!

Old medication: If you fear getting ill so always have a stack of meds on you- check the date on them as they may well have expired if you’ve had a clean bill of health lately.

Happy National Handbag Day!

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