It's Sexual Health Week so we take on two big issues regarding your health and help you tackle them.
Don’t avoid the doctor
This week is Sexual Health week and the topic of conversation is emergency contraception. A recent study conducted by the Family Planning Association found more than one-third of women aged 16 to 54 thought asking for emergency contraception can be embarrassing and said there is still a stigma around it. If you find speaking to a health care professional an embarrassing task, you can also buy the emergency pill online.
Dr Tom Brett from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor comments:
“Whether you are unable to get to a doctor’s in time, or feel uncomfortable doing so, it is now possible to buy the emergency pill online. You will have to fill out a medical questionnaire, which is assessed by a doctor and then you can either choose to have your prescription delivered to you or collect it in person that day (depending on how quickly you require it).”
Talk to your partner
Despite being so common, openly discussing sexual health issues remains a difficult issue for many couples, however this can be the best way of resolving any associated distress, or even underlying causes.
A recent survey conducted by LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor revealed 50% of men in the UK aged 40-70 experience erectile dysfunction. Dr Tom Brett said: “Men often feel ashamed or embarrassed of taking medication to increase their sexual performance, but it is important to stay sensitive and supportive. 15% of men said they would consider taking Viagra and not telling their partner, however this can show a lack of communication between the couple which will undoubtedly lead to further problems.”
tagged in Sexual Health