When you dream about soup, it's generally because you're in a comfortable situation at present. You may be happy in your relationship, content at work and have no complaints where your family or friends are concerned.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Perhaps you are too comfortable and you have become complacent. You may have stopped trying and expect everything to just be or come to you.

Or maybe you crave to be in a comfortable place if you've had a period uncertainty in your waking life lately. You may see others are being in a more comfortable position than you and are jealous of how easy their life seems to be compared to yours.

If you were giving the soup to someone else in the dream, it's possible you are in a good financial position right now and are able and willing to share your wealth with others. You are not being greedy with your good fortune- but generous.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

If you dreamed you were eating soup with your loved ones it's possible you have the support of your friends and family at present or will benefit from their support soon. If you were eating soup with your partner- this indicates happiness in your relationship.

Another interpretation is that you are emotionally hungry and need some comfort and to heal after a turbulent time. You may simply need rest and some you time, or you may need to call on a loved one for a listening ear and comforting words.

Dreams of soup can also relate to sickness and recovery, especially if you were in a hospital bed. You may have been ill lately and just starting to feel better. You might anticipate of fear being ill in the near future, if this is something that worries you or you are surrounded by people who are already sick and contagious.

If you were eating soup in an upmarket establishment, this can be a positive health indicator.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about wine?

Perhaps you have an upcoming celebration or have recently marked an achievement and that is why you dreamed about drinking wine. There is nothing more to be done and you are comfortable with the feeling of completion. With that said, you may be feeling arrogant at having accomplished something dishonestly. Another thought is that you are content with the way our life is going right now. You are satisfied with what you have under your belt and feel positive about the future. The dream could be a pun for ‘whining’. Do you tend to complain a lot about things? If so, it might be time to address this habit and try and look for the good rather than the bad first. Is your constant whining driving people away? If you were drinking red wine in your dreamscape, then you may be taking things to the excess. It might be time to reign things in if your tastes and preferences are having a detrimental affect on your health and finances... to read more click HERE 

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