When you hear bells in your dream, it's often because you are worried about something, you may envisage something negative coming your way so your subconscious is giving you an alarm or an alert.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Bells can also be symbolic of freedom, celebration and joy- so it could be that you are anticipating some upcoming festivities and time off.

If you were ringing a bell in your dream, it's possible that you want to draw some attention to yourself if you feel those around you have failed to notice something that's going on in your world right now.

If you heard bells in the distance in your dream, perhaps you have been victorious over an opponent of late and your dream is a means of celebration that you won.

If the bell was ringing in your dream and didn't stop, you may have something irritating or aggravating you in your waking hours and you're trying to figure out how to put a stop to it.

Bells can also be a sign of a wedding.

If you are anticipating a proposal yourself or you expect that someone close to you is going to get married, it's possible that's why you dreamed of hearing bells.

Source: wwwauntyflo.com


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