Tigers in dreams are generally associated with power.

We find out what it means to dream about a tiger

We find out what it means to dream about a tiger

Perhaps you are feeling powerful right now and are able to use it appropriately in certain situations.

The dream could be telling you to apply for a more powerful role at work- such as a manager’s post or team leader for instance. Do you have a natural authority over others? If so, you might be better suited to a role that has influence over people.

More negatively, perhaps you feel a lack of power in your life right now and you aspire to have more.

Another interpretation of a tiger is female sexuality and seduction. Do you need to take more control where this side of your life is concerned?

If you were being attacked by a tiger, it’s possible you have suppressed some emotions rather than dealing with them and they have all come out at once. Do you need to deal with each emotion as it comes to prevent this from happening again?

A caged tiger suggests that your emotions are bubbling at the surface and you are about to let them out. If you can foresee this happening- what can you do to dilute them to a more manageable level?

Tigers can be linked to fear also. Perhaps you are afraid of something based on assumptions and what others have told you. You may need to face this fear to realise that it isn’t as bad as you initially thought.

To see rugs made from tiger skins implies a life of luxury and ease. It’s possible life has got a little easier lately and you no longer have to worry about things as much as you once did.

On the other hand, this might be a life you aspire to if you have struggled to make ends meet recently.

A friendly tiger could be your subconscious telling you not to judge people too quickly based in reputation and gossip. To make your own mind up about others once you meet them because the rumours might be wrong.

Source: www.dreammoods.com


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