Janet asks :

Hi Lucy,

My best friend never speaks to me over the phone. She never messages me but when I see her on the weekend, she acts like she hasn't spoken to me for the whole five days. 

I have a lot of issues that I keep to myself and I wish that she would message me asking me if I’m okay. I put things on snapchat for her to see but when she sees my snapchats she just ignores them.

I need to talk to someone but she never checks up on me. I am the one who’s always checking up on her. Even if it’s just a five minute conversation. I don’t do that anymore because I leave her to see if she will check up on me but she never does???!!! Please help me. 


Hi Janet,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Some friends are fair weather friends and are only there when things are going well; others are there through the thick and thin. Perhaps your friend is the first.

If you are going through a hard time then perhaps you need to just come out and tell her rather than letting her guess through snap chat posts. She may not be taking the hint or may assume it's not her responsibility to help you. If you ask her directly she may surprise you.

If she's not willing to be there for you during this difficult time, then perhaps you need to find help elsewhere. Your family, another friend, or a professional. If all you need is a listening ear, there are plenty of people who would be willing to offer that if she isn't.

The most difficult times you endure are also very enlightening as you find out who's willing to put in the time and who isn't. If you can take anything from this- then maybe it's the knowledge that you have better friends in other people and that your friend might have other priorities right now.

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