There are non-vegans who let meat-free people get on with being vegan- each to their own after all. But there are also people who make being vegan difficult because of their behaviour. Here are just a few occasions plant based people might recognise when they've been in the company of an insensitive carnivore.

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

When they negatively comment on your food- They say it looks 'boring' or 'bland' or 'missing something'. Bear in mind that the meat-free person sitting with you probably doesn't like the look of your food either but they have the decency to keep quiet.

When they say that you're putting your health second because you're putting animals first- Just because someone omits meat doesn't mean they are unhealthy. They're probably healthier than you if they avoid convenience foods because a vegan diet reduces their risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and strokes. They are thinking of both animals and themselves- equally- because that is what we all are- equals.

When they make you out to be awkward- When you go out for dinner and they make comments about you to the waiting staff because you have to make tweaks to your food. It's the same as asking for chips instead of a jacket or no ice in your drink- it's just down to preference.

When they lecture about your diet- Do you get enough protein? You can't be getting enough calcium! When they have no idea if they are getting enough of these nutrients in their own diet.

When they ask cleverly why you can't you eat eggs when it's not animal flesh- The egg industry kills countless numbers of male chicks all because they can't provide eggs. By eating eggs, you are contributing to this unnecessary death. Plus who wants to eat a chicken period? Seriously?

When they ask very dramatically what you're going to eat if you're going to someone's house- It's ok there is such thing as Tupperware that can accompany you to any house party or event where there's no vegan food available.

When they announce that you can't share a snack with them- When they open some chocolate, crisps or tuck into some prawn crackers and state the obvious. No vegans don't eat dairy, eggs, honey, fish or meat but there's always something they can have because they carry around vegan friendly snacks and have them in abundance in the cupboard for occasions just like this. Plus there's more for everyone!

When they try and get you to eat meat- ' I won't tell', ' it's Christmas- you have to have some Turkey!' or 'just try a little bit- it won't do you any harm'. When you refuse non-dairy milk, tofu or soya mince- because you think it looks disgusting- guess what? Vegans feel that same repulsion over meat- even if it's 'just a bite'.

When they gang up on you- When you're eating out with meat eaters and you're the only vegan and they think strength in numbers will make you change your mind. Erm- NO.

When they try to challenge you about honey- 'The bees don't get hurt!' But what about the entitlement humans feel over animal products? It's not for humans- so why should we eat it?

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