Most of you will be back at work today and feeling a little deflated now that things are normal again. We take a look at some things you can do with your partner to make it a bit more bearable.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Plan something for this evening- Go out for a meal, to the cinema, select a good boxset- something for you both to look forward to after your first day back. Once you've discussed your respective days you can do something fun to take your mind off things for a bit.

Cook a meal together- You'll probably be sick of junk food because that's all you've eaten for the last two weeks. Buy some wholesome food, prepare it together and serve it at the table instead of your lap. Get back into the routine of having good food rather than convenience munch.

Talk about your weekend plans- Make sure you have something booked in for your first weekend off- don't waste it or your first week back will feel like it simply runs into the second. A day out, a road trip, a walk somewhere scenic, a winter picnic- whatever takes your fancy. It will give you something to look forward to.

Make a 2017 to do list- Put 10 plans in place that you want to do together this year- then book the time off, put it in your diaries and do whatever is necessary to make it happen between now and the date you've pencilled in.

Talk about a holiday- Discuss places you would like to visit and research them together. If it sounds like somewhere that's right for you both and within your budget- make a move to book and save up for it.

Set up a memory jar- Each day, write something good that has happened to you as a couple- maybe you had some really good sex, perhaps you had a great conversation or you may have recalled a memory from when you first started dating. Record it on a small piece of paper and put it in a jar. When the year ends you can read them out and remember the good times you've shared each and every day of 2017.

Decide on a joint New Year's resolution- Whether that's taking a walk every night after dinner, making more time for sex or banning digital devices at bedtime. Agree on it and motivate each other enough to keep it.

Have an early spring clean- You have just taken your decorations down, so chances are your house is in a bare state. Use this time to sort through your closets, drawers and cupboards. Sell the stuff you don't need/use and give the rest away. Give your home and yourselves a clean slate for new things and memories.

Try to be more sociable- If you spend most of your time at home by yourselves, why not invite your family or friends around more often? Start a meal rotation with your folks or best mates- you cook one fortnight/month and then go around theirs the next- alternate the responsibility while filling up your social schedule. You can use the time in between to plan courses and table decorations or what to take with you so you have something to work towards.

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