Today is National Eat A Hoagie Day, so we thought we would take you through the perfect relationship but described as a sandwich. We all love a good sandwich and have probably perfected our own- so it may be time to devote the same care an attention to our love lives.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Please swap out the meat for a veggie burger if you're that way inclined or use gluten free bread if you have allergies- just remember that it's all the same in the end.

Bun (Compatibility) - You must be compatible in terms each other's lifestyles, morals and future goals. Any inconsistences will only make your bun and your relationship crumble.

Mustard/Ketchup/Mayo (Communication) - You need to talk to one another. If something seems trivial- say it- (even more so if it doesn't) - keep the dialogue flowing. Talk through your fears, your problems, your disagreements and your day to day stuff. Like a police investigation- something that may seem insignificant might be pivotal to your success.

Tomatoes (Intimacy) - Spend time touching each other. It doesn't have to be sex, great if it is, but simply setting aside time for the both of you to be physically close is enough.

Lettuce (Lust) - You may not always have time or the energy for sex, but lusting after your partner can get you through. Feeling that rush of butterflies when you see them or noticing when they have made an effort all contribute to a physical yearning for them.

Cheese (Commitment) - You need to be in it for the long term and not stray when things get tough. It's easy to say you're committed when your actions might tell a different story. Let them know as much as you can- that there is no one else for you but them.

Meat (Love) - This is the biggest chunk of your sandwich. You must love unconditionally, meaning when they make mistakes, act selfishly or grumpily- you still love them. Tell them every day and show them as much as you can with little gestures as well as big ones when the time is right.

Bun (Trust) - Temptation is all around- you have to trust that they won't do anything about it. You have to have faith that they will act in the same way they would want you to in a similar situation.

So there we have it- does your sandwich need more sauce? A bigger bun or a thicker meat/veggie patty? If so- get garnishing, baking or squeezing to make your relationship butty the best it can be!

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