Forget Me Not Day is celebrated annually on November 10th and encourages people to get in touch with friends and family whom they don't see very much. We take a look at ten ways you can let someone know you are thinking of them on this day.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Send a text- It's not as good as seeing someone in person but a text to a friend or family member you've not exchanged one with in a while can get you caught up on each other's lives and reconnect.

Write a letter- A little old fashioned but it certainly gives you more room to write everything you need to down. It means more too because you have taken the time out to think, write and post it.

Make a phone call- If you both have the time to talk this is a great way to find out what's been going on since the last time you spoke. And you can also take into account their tone of voice which of course you can't in a text message.

Send an email- Emails are the next best thing to letters as they give you scope to write more than just a few lines. Draft one up first and read it through then press send. There's nothing like getting an email from someone you miss to cheer you up during working hours.

Arrange to meet up- Chances are there is an opportunity between now and Christmas to meet for a coffee, a meal out or a walk. Try to make time for this person as you might regret not making the effort before the year is out.

Send flowers- If you know the person loves to have a vase or two of flowers about their home- send them some. It will brighten their day and remind them that you are thinking of them despite the distance between you.

Send a postcard- If you are lucky enough to get away at this time of year- pop a postcard in the letterbox for them. Let them know what you are getting up to and that you are thinking of them even when you're on your holiday. If you're not going away- send one of your local town to let them know anyway.

Send a small gift- There are inexpensive things you see all the time you know they would love. Why not buy one of them and pop it in a jiffy bag and send it on? There's nothing more exciting than surprise post for the recipient.

Ask to come to their house- If they are unable to leave their home- arrange to go and see them. If they get few visitors it will mean the world to them that you have travelled the distance and given up your time to spend it with them.

Send an e-card- If they are technologically minded then an e-card can mean just as much as an actual card- find one with a picture you know will make them smile and choose some kind words to accompany. If they aren't so adept with a computer, then pick a card up in a shop and send it on.

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