January marks National Hobby Month so we discuss why it's beneficial to have a hobby that doesn't involve your partner. 

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

It takes the pressure off you- It allows your partner to interact with other people who are just as passionate about their hobby as they are- when you might not share the same enthusiasm. If they have someone they can talk to and who understands their hobby to the same degree as them- they might not bombard you with jargon that you don't understand- they are more likely to give you an overview of their time spent away.

You are allowing each other to be your true selves- Hobbies can define a person. If you are both dedicated to your hobbies and get a sense of satisfaction out of doing them, it becomes part of the fabric of you or your partner. If you encourage your partner's passions, they should extend you the same courtesy and with that comes a greater level of understanding. 

It gives you something to talk about- If you've been together a while, conversation can get quite repetitive- after talking about work, discussing what you are going to have for dinner and what you might do at the weekend- you can run out of ideas. This gives you something to do apart that will freshen up the chatter.

You get to socialise with others- If your hobby is one that involves others, it allows you to engage with new people. People whom you might learn something from, will offer up a new perspective, you can connect with, or even become friends with.

You will have new experiences- Life is not about the stuff you have but the things you do with your time. If you enjoy this experience- it might give you the zest for more activities that you can do together as well as apart.

You will instantly become more interesting- When people ask you what your hobbies are and all you can come up with is watching TV- it doesn't encourage much conversation. If you do something outside of the box, people are bound to ask you questions. You can hold your own at social gatherings and it makes your partner both proud and relaxed when you can grab the attention of a room, and vice versa.

You should have time apart- It's not healthy to spend all your time in each other's company, you need some time to nurture your own passions and explore your individual dreams or you may find yourself feeling defined by your relationship and not your own goals.

It allows you to have different moods and paces- While one of you might be full of beans before you head out to the gym, the other might want a quiet night in to read a book. If your energy levels and moods are not on the same page, hobbies can cater for both at the same time.

Some hobbies are solitary and that's ok too- If your hobby is one that only requires you to be there- this can give you time to relax and get some mental clarity by yourself without any interruption while you do something you love. If you have taken care of your own needs you will then have the patience and inclination to look after your partner's.

It can prevent uneasy conversations, arguments and spats- If you go off and pursue your hobby for a few hours, depending on what it is, it might raise your mood, relax you or give you time to mull things over. If you were on the cusp of snapping at your partner over something trivial- this might just give you the time to re-evaluate things and go back to them with a new outlook.

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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