Unwanted Christmas presents- If you've received anything you really don't like nor will never use- sell them on. You might as well have the money in your account than things lying around taking up space.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Put your other gifts away- There'll be some couples out there who still have their presents lying around. Find place for the gifts you are keeping and recycle the packaging.

Christmas sweets- If you are restrained with your consumption- tidy them away in a kitchen cupboard or buy a box to keep them all in so they're not just laid on your sideboard or next your couch. If you can't help but eat too many- freeze them and give yourself a well needed break from junk food.

Organise your decorations- Make sure that all of your decorations are labelled, and boxed up so you they're ready to pull out and use next year. Don't just bag everything up and dump it in the loft- it will get dusty and damp and may be unusable by next Christmas.

Take each room one at a time- Tackle one space at a time or you will be overwhelmed and the clutter might remain. Once the decorations have been cleared, work through drawers and cupboards and separate them into things you want to sell, things you want to recycle, throw or give away to charity or to someone you know.

Hold a car boot sale- If you don't want to sell your things online- box everything in an organised fashion and arrange with each other when you can spare the time to have a car boot.

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