When you dream about popcorn, it’s generally because you have new ideas bubbling away in your mind, however you may struggle to turn these ideas into a reality. Try to bear in mind that ideas are positive things- but the execution of a concept needs both focus and decisiveness.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If you were sharing popcorn with others then it’s probably because you are offering up your ideas along with others in a more collaborate approach in your professional life. Even if you are inspired, it’s important to remember that you still need to put in the hard work in order for your new idea to materialise.

When the popcorn burns in your dreamscape, perhaps you have missed out on a recent opportunity. It might be wise to think about ways in which you can seize the next opportunity that comes your way rather than letting it pass you by.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

If the popcorn was coated in butter, toffee or caramel, this could be a sign that you are hiding something from someone else or even yourself. It might be time to explore what’s underneath this exterior you’ve created for yourself. Or perhaps you are hiding your ideas for fear that someone might steal them or take credit for them. It might be that you are scared to reveal your ideas if they are a little unconventional.

When you see only the popcorn kernels, it’s possible you are excited about an upcoming experience but it’s not appropriate to show your excitement just yet. This could be a holiday or a specific event you have been preparing for and you’re eager for it to come around.

Another perspective is that you have great potential in an area of your life but you just need to find a way to unlock it.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about an Easter Egg?

What do you consume or do the excess? It might be time to address whatever you feel you can’t resist with some professional help. If you were given a boiled egg instead of a chocolate egg in your dream perhaps you are feeling disappointed about something in your life at present. Perhaps someone has let you down- consider who gave you the egg for additional meaning. Maybe you were expecting some good news and instead you were faced with the opposite. While you may feel deflated, perhaps the dream is telling you to carry on and put this setback to one side. An Easter egg can also be a symbol of something unexpected in your life. Has something come along lately that has taken you by surprise?...

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