When you dream about a customer or customers, this could refer to the people with whom you share your views and ideas with.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If you were in a shop where there were too many customers and the store got to the point where it was overcrowded then maybe you are an indecisive person at time when you need to make a decision.

You might prefer to follow the crowds and fall in line with what everyone else wants- it might be time to think more about your own desires rather than letting other people’s take priority.

If there were no customers in the store, then perhaps you are alone in your ideas- maybe your ideas are drastically different to those around you and you feel you don’t have the support of those closest to you or that they actively disagree with your way of thinking.

It’s possible you prefer it this way and you like your ideas to be far removed from those of others.

RELATED: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

If you were the customer in your dream then you may wish for your ideas to be approved or validated by those around you.

It’s possible you are being too direct with someone right now- either at work or at home- and perhaps that’s not a role you are comfortable with or think you should have. It may be time to treat this person with more leniency.

As a customer, you ask for what you want or are looking for so it could be your subconscious telling you to speak up more if you are compromising too much in your professional or personal life.

Another interpretation is that you can keep your cool in most situations but you can also use the appropriate tone and words when a time and a place calls for it.  

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a barber?

Perhaps you are preparing for a special personal event and want to look your best. It’s possible you feel like a change in your appearance and the dream is telling you to give yourself a makeover. Having a haircut implies that you will suddenly change your mind about something. It’s possible something you had your heart set on is no longer relevant or important to you. Going to the barbers represents loss- so it’s possible you are about to lose something in your waking hours. You may be prepared for this loss and it might be of your own doing- or perhaps it will come as a surprise. If you were chatting with the barber- be careful not to spread any gossip that you hear. It’s not yours to tell and it probably has no truth to it either...

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