If you dream about a cocoa, it could be symbolic of your childhood or youth.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

A hot cup of cocoa is something children tend to drink more than adults. With this said, perhaps you need to repeat something from your childhood that made you feel good. 

Try not to get too hung up on whether you are too old for it or not- it’s possible you need to have some more fun and this could be just the thing to give you a boost of nostalgia.

Hot cocoa is something that one drinks at home or in coffee shops around the Christmas season, so the dream could simply reflect your excitement for the Christmas holidays and festivities.

If someone else was making you a cocoa in a business setting, then you may have a more relaxed approach at work in the coming weeks. There could be an element of fun in the place you work right now and you’re enjoying the ride. On the other hand, you may yearn for a more lighthearted atmosphere in your team if things have become too serious lately.

Another interpretation is that someone is trying to make a fool out of you in your professional environment. Consider who was in the dream with you as this might give you greater insight into who this could be.

If the cocoa looked and smelled appealing but when you tasted it, it was bitter, this could represent the bitter-sweetness of a situation in your waking life. There is a sting to something that was seemingly good but try not to focus on the negative element and address the balance appropriately.

Hot cocoa is linked to feelings of warmth and comfort, so it’s possible you want to feel this way in a situation or with someone, but you’re not quite there yet. What can you do to make things more natural and easy?

More positively, you may have reached a point of contentment in your life or with someone you care about and the dream is telling you not to take it for granted. 

To see a cocoa bean could mean you have something in a rwa start that needs some time and effort from yourself to make it into something great. You may be at the beginning of your journey with all the tools you need and the potential is huge. The dream could be telling you to begin and you will most definitely enjoy the results. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a horse?

If you were riding a horse in your dream, then you may be in a position of power or authority right now- or you are close to achieving it. However, this is also a sign that you might have got there via the easy route rather than putting in the hard work. If the horse you were riding was out of control then you may be getting carried away with something in your waking life and you need to rein it in before it’s impossible to fix… to read more click HERE

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