If you were eating or licking caramel in your dream, it’s possible that you are in a  situation at present that seems all sweetness and light but has the potential to turn into a sticky situation quite soon. Perhaps it already has and you realise now that you were lured in by something that was seemingly good.

Credit:  Lisa Ducret/DPA/PA Images

Credit: Lisa Ducret/DPA/PA Images

If it sounded too good to be true, it’s possible it is and you might need to get out now before you get permanently stuck.

Is someone being sickly-sweet to you in some area of your life and it’s making you suspicious? On the surface, your dealings with them may seem ok for now, however it’s possible that they will be bad for you if you go along with their tempting suggestions and ideas much longer.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

Caramel is something that people generally eat for pleasure so perhaps you are in the midst of an idyllic situation right now in your personal or professional life or even both. You feel happy and full of energy and you are having nothing but cheerful experiences in your waking life. Be mindful that this might not last much longer. 

If the caramel was coating another food, then it’s possible you are trying to hide something from someone at work or at home. Perhaps you are trying to sugar coat a situation that is worse than someone thinks- for their sake, to protect them- or maybe for yours- so you don’t have to suffer the negativity associated with telling the whole truth.  

If you tend to sugar coat what’s happening in your life, is it time you stopped and were more honest with people? Especially those closest to you? Do they believe you anyway when you never have anything bad to say? It might be worth trying it to see if it’s any healthier for you than covering your concerns and problems up all the time.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a nurse?

Seeing a nurse could mean that you need to heal from something and be nurtured right now. This might refer to your emotional, psychological or physical health. On the other hand, perhaps you feel that you’re not being cared for as well as you should be. You may be in need of a caretaker. If a nurse was in your home then someone under your roof might suffer from illness, however if a nurse was leaving your house then you or whoever you live with might have recovered from something recently. Seeing yourself as nurse in a dreamscape could be a warning that people will be asking you for help or advice in the near future...

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